5LT Catering Size Lancashire Sauce

Free P&P!

£30.00 + P&P

This 5lt catering tub is perfect for a busier commercial kitchen who may use it in burgers, sausage roll meat, soups, etc. or for those home cooks who just love it and need a larger more economical supply and includes Free P+P!

Our unique, mildly spiced sauce adds flavour to any dish. Shake it on pies, in stews, over chips, cheese on toast or simply stir it into your favourite recipes. Use it in sauces and gravies, marinades and salad dressings or as we say in Lancashire…“shake it on whatever you like…Don’t be shy…”

SKU: 2 Category:

Note: Shake the container very well before quickly dispensing into squeezy or glass bottle with shaker cap.

Our 5lt catering tub comes with an ambient three years best before from date of production.
Suitable for vegetarians, vegans and is fat free.
Weight 6000 g